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tutorial blog,cheat nice dancer update: cheat restaurant city

cheat restaurant city

To get cheat restaurant city, you must have download cheat engine 5.5, flash player, RC_0305_ck and firefox or IE. How to use cheat RC or restaurant city hack :

1. open your restaurant city
2. Wait Until a customer giving you money and exp
3. Open Cheat Engine and RC_0305_ck
4. Copy the first code in RC_0305_ck , FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2
5. Open CE, select the program: firefox.exe / iexplorer.exe
6. Choose Hex, enter the value FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2,
7. Choose 8 byte, Choose Also Scan Read Only memory
8. you will get an address, right click choose dissamble the address, choose the first option when you dissamble, right click again select go to address, copy ke the code, paste it in RC_0305_ck
9. do the same on 2nd code and third code
10. After you got 3 code, press the Get Code Button in RC_0305_ck
11. you will get and coding, copy the Coding and paste it at the Cheat engine
12. Checklist ++point and speed for money and point (don’t use lvl 27++)
14. checklist –point and speed for minus point
15. checklist Rate for your rate game

download cheat RC

thx hackplayfish

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